North Fremont Specific Plan

The North Fremont Specific Plan serves as a guide for future development along North Fremont Street, an area identified by the General Plan as a “Mixed-Use Village”, which is a mix of residences, retail shops, services and jobs in close proximity. These areas are designed to be well served by transit.

Quick Facts

  • The project consists of approximately 47.7 acres encompassing both sides of the 0.87 mile North Fremont Street from the eastern City Limits west to State Highway 1.
  • The City of Monterey is the lead agency.

Project Status

Project Location Map

This map shows the Specific Plan Map
in relation to the City of Monterey.

Full size map (827K PDF)
Credit: City of Monterey, North Fremont Specific Plan (October 213)

Resources at Risk

  • Lack of Available Water
    The MND states, “The General Plan and General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) assumes a development potential of l30 residential units in the Planning Area. The North Fremont Specific Plan build-out does not assume that a new water source is available for future development with the Planning Area…” (Introduction, p. 2). This is due to the lack of available water, requiring a conservative buildout projection for the specific plan. (Initial Study, p. 37) There are two different residential unit numbers (130 units and 260 units) both of which appear to be constrained by lack of water.
  • Residential Projects Consistency with Specific Plans
    CEQA Guidelines exempt residential projects consistent with a specific plan from future environmental review under specific circumstances (CEQA Guidelines, Sec. 15182). While the Initial Study indicates the specific plan will be updated when water becomes available, it should also identify that the specific plan as proposed is for 130 units, and that water availability allowing for more than 130 units will trigger an update to the specific plan.

LandWatch Involvement

LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.